Predict The Future Contest – Summary of innovation ideas we received

32 predictions from the innovation contest 2021. (We have arranged them in a random order): Each PG student had sent three predictions about his/ her field. We have selected 32 high potential and interesting predictions.

1. Holographic Root Canal Imaging: Loupes which can create a holographic projection of the internal anatomy of the tooth during the procedure, recreated from CBCT images transferred wirelessly into this device.

2. Portable one step machine for community oral cancer screening which will provide information about grading of cancer and treatment plan

3. A composite material whose composition gives the material the potential to self-adjust the colour and translucency of the material once placed inside the tooth structure. One material for all kinds of tooth shades.

4. Virtual drill, teeth and patient with a haptic interface that allows the users/ dental students to practice restorative and endodontic procedures in a virtual environment.

5. Use of CRISPR technology helps to regenerate the lost tooth structure by incorporation of this genome to stimulate (turn on) AMELX (Amelogenin), AMBN (Ameloblastin) and Dentin sialo-phospho protein genes that helps to regenerate enamel and dentin.

6. Resonance osteotomy drills that produce a beep sound as soon as the drill tip reaches near the blood vessel.

7. Interdental Gluco Brush: an interdental aid that will also be used to measure the blood glucose level

8. Cold Atmospheric Plasma therapy, (using the pen-like device similar to laser, which is safer and cheaper than lasers) for the treatment of Aggressive Periodontitis by effectively reducing the colony count of periodontal pathogens and restoring the health of periodontal soft tissues.

9. Robotic Assistant: Automatic programming for the surgeries from arranging the setup to giving patient post operative instructions.

10. Artificial intelligence based diagnosis in Orthodontics

11. Gene Mapping in treatment planning in Orthodontics: Genetic disorders are likely to relapse in due course of time due to genetic predisposition.

12. Genetically engineered mandibular advancement in mandibular deficiency patients

13. Artificial Intelligence-based Oral Pathology:

14.  Nanorobotic probing: These nanobots would screen and identify various abnormalities present in the tissue systems consequently eliminating the need for biopsy and subsequent histopathological procedures.

15. Noise free airotors and suction devices

16. Portable CBCT machine.

17. Micromachine technology helps to place the AI Microrobot mounted on the tooth in-need of treatment and is  computer controlled, it can monitor the entire treatment with  accuracy and  improved quality of treatment.

18. Sensor driven handpieces and burs

19. Negative apical pressure irrigation technique in endodontics

20. Intuitive rotary instrumentation

21. virtual reality to conventional training environment and diagnosis in correspondence with CBCT by usage of HAPTICS.

22. non-invasive methods to analyse mobile phone-captured images of oral lesions using apps for screening, detection, categorising and determining the dimensions and depth of penetration in case of suspected cancerous lesions.

23. Artificial Intelligence can be used for detection and interpretation of lesions on IOPAR, lateral cephalogram, OPG, CBCT and MRI.

24. Computer assisted design (CAD) + cell sheet engineering

25. Loupes with X- ray vision and fluorescence

26. an articulator that can measure the “ Buffer space “ of temperomandibular joints so that there can be a marvellous simulation of TMJ on to the articulator.

27. Customized chair side mill-able root morphology implant and maxillofacial silicone.

28. Single day appointment and insertion of complete denture prosthesis using 3 d printing and cad cam technology

29. Nanotechnology: Nanomaterials and nano drug delivery system

30. Stem cells as local injection for tissue regeneration

31. Multi-drug delivering periodontal probes

32. Robot assisted toothbrush for people lacking manual dexterity


Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics

Dr ShabharishShyam Kumar Medum (G Pulla Reddy Dental College and Hospital), Dr Nidhi Sahani (Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental college, Navi Mumbai), Pooja Mahalakshmi. A (Ragas Dental College and Hospital), R.KIRUTHIKA (Ragas Dental College and Hospital), AKILA.E (Ragas Dental College and Hospital), ANJANA.K.S. (Ragas Dental College and Hospital), Pooja Errola(Mamata Dental College) Dr.Rishabhkumar Jain (Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai) K.R.Amarnathreddy (MNR Dental College)

Oral Medicine & Radiology

Dr.Megha Mary George (SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad ), Shweta Hinduja (Dr.D.Y.Patil University School of Dentistry )


Suresh Varsha (Nair Hospital Dental College), Dr.ShanyaKapoor (HitkariniDental College &Hospital),


Dr.Sonali Gholap(PravaraInstitute of Medical Sciences ), Aishwarya Dham (Manipal College of Dental Science, Mangalore), Dr.Antarleena Sengupta (Manipal College of Dental Science Mangalore), Dr Ankita Ashok Katkurwar (MGV KBH Dental College and hospital Nashik),Veena Viswanadh (Government Dental College & Hospital, Mumbai), Dr.Marisca Austin Pereira (SinhgadDental College and Hospital), Dr.Sharika Gopinath (RajarajeswariDental College and Hospital), Dr.Shobith S Mampuzha (KrishnadevarayaCollege of Dental Sciences and Hospital)

Oral Pathology

Sanpreet Singh Sachdev (Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai)


Dr. Aishwarya Satav (Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental college and hospital Sangli), Dr. B S Vishnupriya (Navodaya Dental College, Raichur), Dr. Pranit Vasant Bora (K.M.Shah Dental College, Vadodara), Ansu Elizabeth Blessan(Navodaya Dental College Raichur), Dr Saba Anjum (Navodaya Dental College Raichur)

Public Health Dentistry

Dr Atrey J Pai Khot (KLE Vishwanath Katti Institute of dental Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka)

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