Chlorhexidine Gargle in Omicron Wave

latest covod-19 updates

Emerging evidence indicates that the new variant of concern Omicron is more likely to infect the throat than the lungs. Omicron appears to be more transmissible but less deadly than the previous variants. Six studies have shown that Omicron does not damage the infected person’s lungs as much as Delta or any previous variant.

Since the new variant, Omicron affects the throat more and people are suffering more from sore throat, we can make use of an established line of scientific evidence to help people during the pandemic.

A peer-reviewed study published in March 2021 showed that four days of chlorhexidine mouthwash use could eliminate oropharyngeal SARS-COV-2 in Covid-19 patients.

With four days of chlorhexidine use in hospitalized COVID-19 patients, 62% of chlorhexidine mouthwash users could eliminate SARS-COV-2 from the oropharynx. In comparison, only 5.5% of people from the control group achieved it.

Combining all the evidence, we can suggest that people who develop sore throat should immediately start gargling with 10 ml of undiluted 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash for 30 to 60 seconds twice daily for four days.

This approach can be an economical and practical strategy for the home isolated COVID-positive individuals who will eliminate the SARS-CoV-2 virus from their oropharyngeal region and ensure minimal spread to family members.

With this simple approach, we can ensure faster home recovery.

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