Latest Scientific Research Updates in Dentistry [Infographic]

research updates in dentistry

These are the scientific research updates for you from high-quality dental journals, dated 12th Jan 2021.

Please find the referenced article links below.

1. Artificial intelligence for fast and accurate 3D tooth segmentation on CBCT

2. Frisch E, Wild V, Ratka-Krüger P, Vach K, Sennhenn-Kirchner S. Long-term results of implants
and implant-supported prostheses under systematic supportive implant therapy: A retrospective 25-year study.
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2020 Dec;22(6):689-696. doi: 10.1111/cid.12944. Epub 2020 Sep 23. PMID: 32969180.

3. Enamel matrix derivative added to deproteinized bovine bone mineral particles significantly increased new bone formation in sinus lift procedures in edentulous or partially edentulous patients with deficient bilateral posterior alveolar ridges requiring augmentation for implants.

4. Dragonas P, Katsaros T, Schiavo J, Galindo-Moreno P, Avila-Ortiz G. Osteogenic capacity of the sinus membrane following maxillary sinus augmentation procedures: A systematic review. Int J Oral Implantol (Berl). 2020;13(3):213-232. PMID: 32879927.Link:

5. Erdrich, S., Tan, E.C.K., Hawrelak, J.A. et al. Hydrogen–methane breath testing results influenced by oral hygiene.
Sci Rep 11, 26 (2021).


Hope you find them useful.

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