COVID- 19 : Top 3 updates for Doctors Date: 04/05/2020

latest covod-19 updates

As India hits the 1 million tests mark, case positivity rate dips to 3.8%

4th May 2020: Test positivity rate refers to the proportion of positive cases among the total number of tests conducted. A higher test positivity rate indicates a faster spread of infection. The latest statistics of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) show the national test positivity rate to be 3.8% — the lowest in a month, which is good for

India. The last time, the national average dipped this low, was on April 3. Since then, it has been between 4.4%-5%.

A leading COVID-19 vaccine scientist answers our questions 

Heading up the Imperial team is Professor Robin Shattock. In 2019, he spoke at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos about the new techniques he was

developing to facilitate the rapid development, testing and – crucially – local production of vaccines. Together, these techniques help to ensure that outbreak responses can be made quickly, with no region or country left behind. We spoke to him to learn how his team’s efforts were progressing and to get his thoughts on the global response so far.

India orders mandatory use of COVID-19 contact tracing app for all workers

4th May 2020: The Indian government announced on Friday that all workers, both in the public and private sectors, are required to install the nation’s COVID-19 contact tracing app as it begins to ease some of its lockdown measures for lower-risk areas.

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