Thermoseal Repair 100gm

Thermoseal Repair 100gm

(3 customer reviews)

10% Strontium Chloride Hexahydrate (100 gm)

Understanding tooth wear:

Tooth wear, also known as tooth surface loss, is a common dental condition that affects people of all ages. This silent yet pervasive problem occurs when the hard outer layer of teeth, called enamel, gradually erodes, leaving teeth susceptible to a range of dental issues.

Today, it is becoming evident that erosion initiates the process of dentinal tubule opening, which is then amplified by abrasion, attrition, or abfraction.

Causes of Tooth Wear

Tooth wear can be attributed to a variety of factors, both intrinsic and extrinsic. Understanding these causes is essential for effective prevention and management. Here are some of the primary causes:
1. Acid Erosion: Acidic foods and beverages, such as citrus fruits, sodas, and wine, can soften and gradually erode tooth enamel. Frequent consumption of these items can lead to acid erosion.
2. Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): The habit of grinding or clenching teeth, often during sleep, can cause excessive wear on tooth surfaces. Bruxism may be related to stress or misaligned teeth.
3. Abrasion: Mechanical factors like aggressive tooth brushing, using a hard- bristled toothbrush, or abrasive toothpaste can lead to enamel erosion over time.
4. Attrition: Natural tooth-to-tooth contact during activities like chewing and biting can cause wear at contact points. This is more common among individuals with malocclusion (misaligned teeth).
5. Abfraction: Microfractures at the gumline can occur due to excessive pressure during biting and chewing, contributing to tooth wear.

Types of Tooth Wear

Tooth wear can manifest in different forms, and understanding these types is crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment:
1. Erosion: Acid erosion is characterized by the gradual dissolution of tooth enamel due to acidic substances. It often leads to the exposure of dentin, the softer layer beneath the enamel.
2. Abrasion: External mechanical factors like toothbrush abrasion or abrasive toothpaste result in the wearing away of enamel, primarily at the tooth’s surface.
3. Attrition: The natural wearing of tooth surfaces due to contact between upper and lower teeth during chewing and biting.
4. Abfraction: This type of tooth wear typically appears as wedge-shaped notches at the gumline and is attributed to excessive forces on teeth.

Symptoms of Tooth Wear

Tooth wear often progresses silently, making it essential to recognize the signs and symptoms:
1. Tooth Sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages can be a common early sign of tooth wear.
2. Discoloration: Enamel erosion may lead to teeth appearing discolored, with the underlying dentin showing through.
3. Rough Tooth Edges: Tooth surfaces can become rough and uneven, making them more susceptible to plaque buildup and decay.
4. Fractures and Chips: Weakened enamel is more prone to chipping and fracturing.

Preventing Tooth Wear

Prevention is the best approach to managing tooth wear. Here are some strategies to safeguard your enamel:
1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, and floss daily to remove plaque and food particles.
2. Dietary Awareness: Limit consumption of acidic foods and beverages, and rinse your mouth with water after consumption.
3. Mouthguards: If you grind your teeth, consider wearing a custom-fitted mouthguard to protect your teeth during sleep.
4. Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings, allowing early detection and intervention if tooth wear is identified.

Thermoseal Repair addresses toothwear:

Thermoseal Repair meets the challenges of tooth wear and tear and your patients
will have a refreshing experience daily.
Tooth wear and tear due to daily acid attack is now a common occurrence, in fact 1 out 3 adult suffers from enamel erosion. Studies have shown that consumption of carbonated drinks once daily increases risk of erosion by 2.3 times and risk rises to 5.1 times when the consumption is 4 times daily.
A comparative in vitro, single-blind study, divided 80 randomly selected extracted teeth into 4 groups
Group 1 – 20 teeth acid-etched only; (Control)
Group 2 – 20 teeth treated with strontium chloride;
Group 3 – 20 teeth treated with Biodentine®;
Group 4 – 20 treated with Biodentine® and diode laser.
The samples underwent Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis to check dentinal tubule occlusion.
The qualitative analysis showed no occlusion of dentinal tubules in Group 1 (control group). Dentinal tubule occlusion was 91.2% in strontium chloride group, 81.3% in Biodentine® group and 80.0% in Biodentine® with diode laser group.

Why Thermoseal Repair?

1. Thermoseal Repair toothpaste is an improved formulation fortified with the advantage of Strontium chloride hexahydrate.
2. Strontium chloride hexahydrate is in hydrous form, less viscous, hence more Srions available to dentinal tubules.
3. Thermoseal Repair, Repairs and protects as it replaces lost calcium and forms Strontium calcium apatite complex which is acid resistant, hence prevents tooth wear due to acid attack.
4. It is available with good foam, has elegant packing with refreshing fresh mint flavour.
5. Thermoseal Repair offers all contemporary benefits with huge cost savings to your patients. Is available at just 1/3 rd the price of all the competitors.

Benefits of Thermoseal Repair:
  • Repairs and protects teeth by replacing lost calcium
  • Forms strontium calcium apatite complex which is acid resistant, hence prevent tooth wear due to acid attack
  • Prevents further tooth wear and tear
  • Thermoseal treats and prevents hypersensitivity
Ideal for patients who ask for a good toothpaste for daily use. They can continue with their fluoridated toothpaste. Add Thermoseal Repair as the Good Night toothpaste.
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3 reviews for Thermoseal Repair 100gm

  1. Dr.Surabhi

    It is a boon to dental patients and loss to Dentists as it reduces their practice I personally use and recommend to my patients thermoseal the *AWESOME* invention.DR.SURABHI


    Very good tooth paste to protect teeth from acid attacked Doctor recommend to use me . Required big packing of 200 grams to save the cost

  3. ICPA Health

    Thrmosaeal repair toothpaste is available in 50 gm and 100 gm.

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