Category Archives: Dental Procedures

Clinical Considerations for Endodontic Treatment during the COVID Pandemic

The study titled ‘Pandemic-Minded Endodontics: Clinical Tips and Considerations’ was originally published by Dentistry Today.  Endodontic care during the COVID pandemic is now more important than ever. As clinicians face challenges due to the pandemic, practices must be adjusted .

How to Successfully Overcome Endodontic Procedural Failures

The study titled ‘Overcoming Endodontic Procedural Failures’ was originally published by Dentistry Today. For a successful endodontic treatment, multiple dependent procedures need to be followed in a consecutive manner. Each procedure relies on the preceding one to having been .

Primary Causes and Effective Remedies for Root Resorption

The study titled, ‘Root Resorption: Causes and Remedies’ was originally published by Dentistry Today. To successfully treat root resorption can be a challenge for many clinicians. This is due to the complex nature of the diagnosis. This article aims .

How to Manage Caries in Your Dental Practice: ADA Recommendations

Caries has been conceptualized as a recurrent disease cycle involving different states of demineralization and remineralization by experts in the field of cariology. As a result, caries management involves relying on a patient-centric philosophy that gives importance to prevention .
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